We know what you're thinking—a toilet mirror? But stick with us!
One Saturday, after a long day with the kids, we had just settled onto the couch when our “potty-trained” 5-year-old called out, “Dad, can you come check?!” He needed help wiping—again. It wasn’t the first time, and it wouldn’t be the last.
We asked ourselves, when does real bathroom independence begin? He didn’t want us in there any more than we wanted to be there. That’s when the lightbulb moment hit—what if we put a mirror on the back of the toilet lid?
After his first try, he ran out, beaming: “Daddy’s invention works!” He was proud, clean, and confident. From that moment on, he NEVER asked for help wiping again.
That’s why we created The Original Toilet Mirror by Ehde—to give families everywhere the same confidence, cleanliness, and independence.